Ephesians - 2:1-10

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions:What was one of the best gifts you received as a child?  What made it so special for you?What does it mean to be "dead in sin"?  What caused this?What is the relationship between "wrath" and "love" (vv. 3-4)What is the relationship between "grace" and "works" (vv. 8-10)Spiritually, do you feel more dead or alive now?  Why?What has God prepared for you to be and to do?


Ephesians - 1:19-23

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions:Read 1 Cor 12:4-31.  What impresses you most about this passage?  Paul lists a number of "spiritual gifts" that different Christians have (though his list is not exhaustive).  What spiritual gifts do you think you have?What gifts do you recognize in others in your group?How can your group function more as one body?  How should we be viewing one another?What is God saying to you right now?


Ephesians - 1:15-19

Series: Ephesians

Peter continues our series through the book of Ephesians. This week we look at one of Paul's prayers for us as Christians. He prays that we might know both the hope we have as Christians and the very real power made available to us.


Ephesians - 1:3-14

Series: Ephesians
Scripture Text: Eph 1:3-14

Discussion Questions Read the entire passage, Eph 1:3-14, but before you do, tell the group that when done you'll be asking the following question:  What activities and descriptive words relate to the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit?(now read the passage and then go through each person of the Trinity below asking for descriptions of each - what each has done and how each are described)FatherSonHoly Spirit In your own words, describe the "blessings in Christ" (vv. 3-9)What excites you most about God's relationship to you?Knowing you are chosen and adopted, how will you view yourself and God differently?What changes ...


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