Church Planting - Strategic Initiative
Life Together Churches (LTC) is a network that supports people hosting worship and congregational life in small group environments. The network provides everything needed to enable a local group to quickly and effectively start a small group worshiping community and sustain its life and growth. In this way the network lives out its common vision to make disciples who make disciples and to plant churches that plant churches linked together by shared leadership, resources and passion. Its first order concern is to live out Christ’s Great commission to make disciples for the sake of preaching, teaching, and confessing Jesus Christ as God’s Word for us and for our salvation.
The LTC network provides ongoing pastoral leadership to facilitate quick deployment and sustained support for churches. It provides administrative support for initiating small group worshiping communities, coaching for local leadership, worship planning, discipleship training resources for all ages, and network-wide communications. The central focus on evangelism and discipleship makes creative use of today’s media and web based technologies critical for effective everyday operation and vital for outreach to a culture that requires it. LTC also provides for an organic web of existing and emerging relationships that extend well beyond the local group by facilitating large group gatherings in the form of conferences and retreats.