Ephesians - 5:21-33

Love and Respect

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions: What does it mean to submit or be subject to someone? What does the fact that Jesus submitted to God the Father say about the person who is doing the submitting?  (i.e. Jesus is equal with God and yet he submitted to the Father) Husbands are called to love their wives like Christ loved the church.  How did Christ love the church?  What does this tell us about the role of the husband toward his wife? In your own words, how would you express the goal of Christian marriage? (see v. 31) What do you think about the statement made about men more needing respect and women ...


Ephesians - 4:25-32

Crouching Lion, Uplifting Sayings

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions:Paul says, “In your anger do not sin,” which seems to imply that anger is not always bad. What is “good anger”?Do you struggle with anger? How does it show itself in your life?When have someone’s words been especially uplifting to you?Imagine out loud what your workplace or home or school would be like if people only spoke so as to “benefit the listener”.Where have you seen examples of kindness and compassion in others? How does that inspire you?


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