Ephesians - 6:10-18

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions What do you usually do when you have a really bad day? How do you cope? What are the "schemes of the devil"? What are some of his strategies? Discuss what you think the various parts of the armor are for. How do you put each on? Belt of Truth Breastplate of Righteousness Gospel Shoes of Peace Shield of Faith Helmet of Salvation Sword of the Spirit - the Word of God Prayer Which piece of the armor are you most in the need of right now? It wasn't discussed in the video, but verse 18 reveals how important prayer is in spiritual ...


Ephesians - 5:21-33

Love and Respect

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions: What does it mean to submit or be subject to someone? What does the fact that Jesus submitted to God the Father say about the person who is doing the submitting?  (i.e. Jesus is equal with God and yet he submitted to the Father) Husbands are called to love their wives like Christ loved the church.  How did Christ love the church?  What does this tell us about the role of the husband toward his wife? In your own words, how would you express the goal of Christian marriage? (see v. 31) What do you think about the statement made about men more needing respect and women ...


Ephesians - 4:17-24

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions:Where have you seen real change in your life since becoming a Christian?  How is your "walk" different now?What is one "old life" piece of clothing that you have that you are having a hard time "putting off"?What is the difference between asking yourself the question "what would Jesus do?" and asking Jesus "what do you want to do in and through me?"  How is the focus different?  Paul says we're to "put on" the new self.  What is the new self?  What is Jesus saying to you right now?


Ephesians - 4:1-6

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions: Read the text again as a group – Eph 4:1-6 Reading between the lines, what problems do you think Paul was concerned about in Ephesus? What qualities ought to characterize “a life worthy of the calling”? What happens when believers live out these qualities?   How does each of the four qualities listed in verse 2 promote unity? Which of these four qualities do you need most in your life personally?  What relationships will profit from developing that quality now? How does viewing God as Father (not just as Creator or Judge) add to our unity? ...


Ephesians - 2:1-10

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions:What was one of the best gifts you received as a child?  What made it so special for you?What does it mean to be "dead in sin"?  What caused this?What is the relationship between "wrath" and "love" (vv. 3-4)What is the relationship between "grace" and "works" (vv. 8-10)Spiritually, do you feel more dead or alive now?  Why?What has God prepared for you to be and to do?


Ephesians - 1:19-23

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions:Read 1 Cor 12:4-31.  What impresses you most about this passage?  Paul lists a number of "spiritual gifts" that different Christians have (though his list is not exhaustive).  What spiritual gifts do you think you have?What gifts do you recognize in others in your group?How can your group function more as one body?  How should we be viewing one another?What is God saying to you right now?


Ephesians - 1:15-19

Series: Ephesians

Peter continues our series through the book of Ephesians. This week we look at one of Paul's prayers for us as Christians. He prays that we might know both the hope we have as Christians and the very real power made available to us.


Ephesians - 1:3-14

Series: Ephesians
Scripture Text: Eph 1:3-14

Discussion Questions Read the entire passage, Eph 1:3-14, but before you do, tell the group that when done you'll be asking the following question:  What activities and descriptive words relate to the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit?(now read the passage and then go through each person of the Trinity below asking for descriptions of each - what each has done and how each are described)FatherSonHoly Spirit In your own words, describe the "blessings in Christ" (vv. 3-9)What excites you most about God's relationship to you?Knowing you are chosen and adopted, how will you view yourself and God differently?What changes ...


Ephesians - Introduction

Series: Ephesians

Discussion Questions: Read Acts 19:11-20.  Why do you think it was necessary for the new Christians in Ephesus to burn their magic books publicly "in the sight of everyone"? Read Acts 19:23-41. Read verse 30 again. Why wouldn't the disciples let Paul speak to the crowd like he wanted to? What would have happened to Paul? Paul sounds pretty brave, almost superhuman, like nothing phases him? Does that intimate you at all? Do you think you could ever be like Paul? Now Read 2 Corinthians 1:8-11 to find out how Paul actually felt the day he ...


Spiritual Practices: Solitude

Series: Spiritual Disciplines

Do you like to be alone or is solitude hard for you?  Why?Read 1 Kings 19:11-13a.  How did the Lord speak to Elijah?If one of the ways God speaks to us is in a gentle whisper, what would you do if you were Satan and wanted to prevent God's people from hearing His voice?If having a consistent "quiet time" with the Lord has been a practice of yours, share with the group what has worked for you and what hasn't.  (Note to Leader:  if you have new Christians in your group, explain what the term "quiet time" means and make note of other phrases used (i.e. like "morning devotions", etc)).If you have never had a consistent ...


Spiritual Practices: Simplicity

Series: Spiritual Disciplines

In what ways do you think you need to simplify your lifeHow does the practice of simplicity affect how we spend our money?In the story of Mary and Martha, Martha was busy serving Jesus, but Jesus implies that this "serving Jesus" was actually distracting Martha from what was most important.  Can you relate?  How can doing good things for Jesus be a distraction.Picture Jesus as your King sitting down on the throne of your life.  What does He say to you as he seeks to bring order to the "kingdom of your life"?  What is Jesus saying to you right now?


Teach Us To Pray - Deliver Us From Evil

Discussion Questions

Series: Teach Us To Pray

Scripture speaks of three enemies for the Christian: the world, the flesh and the devil. Which of these three “enemies” we have are you most concerned about and why?  Read through Ephesians 6:10-17 and discuss what you think each of the pieces of the Armor of God means. What would you actually put each of these on? Belt of truth Breastplate of righteousness Shoes of the gospel of peace Shield of faith Helmet of salvation Sword of the Spirit Read Galatians 5:16-17. How do you “walk by the Spirit”? What does that look like? Read Romans 12:1. How do you “renew your ...


Teach Us To Pray - Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

Series: Teach Us To Pray

Discussion Questions1.  What are some of the things you worry about? 2.  What are some signs that you are worrying too much? 3.  If God knows what we need before we ask, why pray? 4.  Do you struggle with trusting God with your needs? 5.  Jesus says we should pray for our daily needs and that we should not worry about tomorrow.  Does that mean we should never plan for the future or save money for the future?Why or why not? 6.  Paul says in Philippians that he had learned “the secret of being content in all circumstances”.  What’s the secret?7.  When have you felt ...


Teach Us To Pray - Hallowed Be Thy Name

Series: Teach Us To Pray

Teach Us To Pray – Hallowed Be Thy Name: Discussion Questions 1. Have you ever experienced a time when you felt overwhelmed (in a good way) by the holiness of God. 2. How might seeing God in His holiness and power and greatness impact your prayer life in a positive way. 3. Explain in your own words the difference between being afraid of God and fearing God. 4. Do you think there might be a connection between “fearing God” and “having faith in God”? If so, explain. 5. What kinds of prayers are “hallowed be Thy name” prayers? List specific examples of what those kinds of prayers might look ...


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