Teach Us To Pray - Introduction

Teach Us to Pray – Intro: Discussion Questions 1. What images, memories, or thoughts come to mind when you hear the Lord’s Prayer? 2. What part of the Lord’s Prayer sticks out to you? Is there a part that especially resonates with you? 3. Is there any part of the Lord’s Prayer that you have questions about or that’s confusing to you? 4. If you feel comfortable sharing, what has been your experience with prayer (both as a child and as an adult)? What are the positive or negative markers along your life journey with regard to prayer? 5. N.T. Wright in The Lord and His Prayer says, “If we ...


Teach Us To Pray - Our Father in Heaven

Teach Us to Pray – Our Father in Heaven: Discussion Questions1. What kinds of “father stories” do you bring into your relationship with God? How havethose stories affected your relationship with God?2. Imagine out loud together the Star Wars story if Yoda could have assured Luke, “TheForce loves you.”3. Describe the difference between the life of a slave and the life of a child heir– both inliteral and spiritual terms.4. Consider our two Bible passages: the story of the Running Father and the Galatianspassage about slavery and sonship. Was there a certain word, phrase, or idea that stoodout to you?5. ...


Teach Us To Pray - Hallowed Be Thy Name

Teach Us To Pray – Hallowed Be Thy Name: Discussion Questions 1. Have you ever experienced a time when you felt overwhelmed (in a good way) by the holiness of God. 2. How might seeing God in His holiness and power and greatness impact your prayer life in a positive way. 3. Explain in your own words the difference between being afraid of God and fearing God. 4. Do you think there might be a connection between “fearing God” and “having faith in God”? If so, explain. 5. What kinds of prayers are “hallowed be Thy name” prayers? List specific examples of what those kinds of prayers might look ...


Teach Us To Pray - Thy Kingdom Come

Discussion Questions1.  Can you identify with the child charging headlong into the pool, or similarly, the child on the overstuffed chair?2.  What have been your own Towers of Babel in your life, your own little kingdoms, your sand castles? 3.  Are there any areas of your life that are especially hard to align with God’s will? 4.  We never hear of the rich young ruler again in the Bible. Imagine a few scenarios of how his story might have continued – both negatively and positively. 5.  Reflect on the words of William Wallace, “Every man dies, not every man really lives.” How ...


Teach Us To Pray - Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

Discussion Questions1.  What are some of the things you worry about? 2.  What are some signs that you are worrying too much? 3.  If God knows what we need before we ask, why pray? 4.  Do you struggle with trusting God with your needs? 5.  Jesus says we should pray for our daily needs and that we should not worry about tomorrow.  Does that mean we should never plan for the future or save money for the future?Why or why not? 6.  Paul says in Philippians that he had learned “the secret of being content in all circumstances”.  What’s the secret?7.  When have you felt ...


Teach Us To Pray - Forgive Us As We Forgive

1. What kinds of images come to mind when you hear “release”? Or what other words or pictures do you associate with “forgiveness”?2. Lewis B. Smedes said, "To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you." What do you think about these words?3. Consider these words. “When deep injury is done to us, we never fully recover until we forgive. Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.” What do you think the writer meant about the past and the future?4. How does forgiveness happen? Fast? Slow? All at once? Bit by bit?5. There’s a saying, ...


Teach Us To Pray - Deliver Us From Evil

Discussion Questions

Scripture speaks of three enemies for the Christian: the world, the flesh and the devil. Which of these three “enemies” we have are you most concerned about and why?  Read through Ephesians 6:10-17 and discuss what you think each of the pieces of the Armor of God means. What would you actually put each of these on? Belt of truth Breastplate of righteousness Shoes of the gospel of peace Shield of faith Helmet of salvation Sword of the Spirit Read Galatians 5:16-17. How do you “walk by the Spirit”? What does that look like? Read Romans 12:1. How do you “renew your ...


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